
Cruises are booming in Japan

Brittany Chang

Japan's cruise industry is booming as the country continues to see a swell in travelers.BEHROUZ MEHRI/AFP via Getty Images <ul><li>Japan's cruise industry is booming as the country continues to see ...[Continue Reading]

Business Insider

1 day ago

Recent News (Business)


SpaceX Crew-10 folds traits, hopes into origami crane zero-g indicator (Robert Z. Pearlman)

What do you get when you fold together the ambitions and contributions of four space station-bound astronauts from the United States, Japan and Russia? A zero-g indicator in the form of an origami cr ...[Continue Reading]

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Michigan 86, Purdue 68


Entering the postseason licking their wounds, there was significant question on whether Michigan Men's Basketball could turn their season around in time to do something in the NCAA Tournament. Michig ...[Continue Reading]

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Billionaire Climate Activist Mike Cannon-Brookes Defends F1 Sponsorship, Private Jet Use

Yessar Rosendar, Forbes Staff, Yessar Rosendar, Forbes Staff

Mike Cannon-Brooks is the cofounder and CEO of the Australian software company, Atlassian. Fairfax Media Australian tech billionaire and climate activist Mike Cannon-Brookes has defended his com ...[Continue Reading]


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A gay man and a straight woman got married. They say it's not a 'lavender marriage' but founded on 'true pure love.'

Serafina Kenny

Jacob Hoff and Samantha Wynn Greenstone got married in 2024. Hoff is gay, and Greenstone is straight, but they say theirs is not a "lavender marriage."Jacob Hoff and Samantha Wynn Greenstone <ul><li ...[Continue Reading]

Business Insider

1 day ago


Zen | Unkey


When we started migrating our API services from TypeScript to Go, we were looking for an HTTP framework that would provide a clean developer experience, offer precise control over middleware executio ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago